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We're committed to providing you with great matches and long-term success in finding the exact tech talent you need for growth.
Browse our detailed database of professional profiles, filter talent based on your needs and fill positions faster.
Only pay when you hire someone. Bonuses for employees are built in to our fee to encourage retention with no extra work for you.
As a small welcome token, we provide you a 50% discount on our success fee for your first hire.
Simple and transparent pricing to make your hiring more cost-efficient.
Our standard pricing is 50% of the talent's monthly salary + 500€ retention bonus.
This 50% discount on our success fee is valid for the first hire for your company. No other rules, simple as that.
For example, if you hire a developer with a 5000€ salary, our success fee will be 1250€ (normally 2500€) + 500€ in credits. And we pay those directly to your new hire as a signing bonus after starting work and a retention bonus after 12 months with you. Just because we're fair.
We know tech recruitment, from building and staffing startups to running our tech staffing agency Talentbyte. Our team has over ten years of experience from the tech recruitment world.
We are proud to partner with Grünfin, a certified B-corporation, to invest employee bonuses in environmentally sustainable and social responsible investments that do good.
Then you don’t pay a cent. You only pay when you successfully hire someone.
We’re committed to helping you find successful, long-term employees. If it does happen that your new employee leaves before a year, we will reimburse 100% of the retention bonus as Hirevel credits to be used for your next hire.
You don’t have to do anything from your side. We deposit the signing and one-year anniversary bonuses into a sustainable investing account created in your employee’s name with our partner Grünfin. Your new employee has direct access to the account and have full control over the assets.
You only pay for a successful hire. Once we've confirmed a hire with both parties, we issue your company an invoice with 14-day payment terms. If your new hire does not start work as agreed or leaves within 30 days, we will cancel the hire and credit the fee back to you.